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Philip Martin's People Federico Patelli

Behind every successful brand there is a winning team, a group of people who work to reach the same objective, who enrich the company with their experience, skills and characteristics.

A team of value with people who have put themselves on the line and share with Philip Martin's the passion, the desire to grow and to always improve.

Philip Martin's presents Federico Patelli, the new Artistic Director for Hair Care styling.

What struck you most about Philip Martin's company?

I was impressed by the energy of the company and the people who work there. Everyone is looking in the same direction with the desire to grow and improve, paying attention to every detail.

What is your role in Philip Martin's team?

I am the Artistic Director for the styling part of the Hair Care line. Together with Andrea Pedron and the entire training team, I am creating a new educational method dedicated to professionals in our sector. An all-round training that creates a marriage between soft skills and hard skills, where it is fundamental to understand why we are professionals and how to communicate it.

Why did you choose to be part of the team?

I chose to be part of Team Philip Martin's because I believe in teamwork: sharing more ideas and experiences helps everyone's professional growth.

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork.

When you were in London, what did you miss most about Italy?

I worked ten years in London. There were two fundamental things I missed: my family and warmth (meaning sunshine and human heat).

What do you take back to Italy from your work experience in London?

Definitely personal and professional growth. London is a multicultural city and as such gives the opportunity to get to know different cultures and different styles, leaving everyone the freedom of expression. A city that gives room for creativity.

Which Philip Martin's product has won you over? Why?

Many have won me over, but the product that made me fall in love with Philip Martin's is the moisturizing and shining Revitalizing Spray: unique in that it shines and moisturizes the hair.

What is the Philip Martin's value that you share most?

I share with Philip Martin a passion for people and for their profession. A value that I also share with all the people who make up Philip Martin's team.

What is your work project at Philip Martin's?

My work project within Philip Martin's is to create a path and a training method that espouses the values of the brand, so as to give everyone the opportunity to breathe the energy of the company. Not only through the product, but also, with style courses, through cut and color.


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